The dueling pianos event, organized by the Eastend Kinsmen Club, featured almost five hours of non-stop musical hits that ranged in eras from the 1950s to modern times. The talented singers/musicians performed requests throughout the evening that included songs from country and pop to classic rock. “I think all the ladies had fun – they pretty much danced for the whole five hours,” said Dustin MacRae, one of the event organizers. “They enjoyed the supper, too. I think the whole evening went over pretty well.” The evening also featured other activities, including a waiter auction that brought in approximately $4,500 at the fundraiser. “We really want to thank the ladies for stepping up in a big way for the auction,” said MacRae, adding that six waiters were auctioned during the event. A crowd of about 100 people attended the special musical extravaganza on Saturday. This is the third time the Eastend Kinsmen have hosted the Ladies Night Out celebration. The local service club hosts the event every other year, with proceeds going to a number of community programs and projects. The Kinettes hosted their own Men’s Night Out event last year.
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